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Careers Programme

Bents Green School is fully committed to providing a careers programme that is underpinned by our four key values;

  • Learning
  • Wellbeing
  • Respect for Self and Others
  • Preparation for Adulthood

We will work in partnership with employers and other stakeholders to support students to make aspirational, realistic and informed choices that will allow them to be prepared for adulthood.

We will support students to develop the skills, aptitudes, and attitudes to achieve their personal best, supporting their wellbeing and happiness.

We will promote lifelong learning to ensure students are prepared for Post 16 pathways and the world of work.

Bents Green School Careers Programme is in line with the Careers Development Institute (CDI) Framework. The key learning areas covered are;

  • Grow Throughout life
  • Explore possibilities
  • Manage Career
  • Create opportunities
  • Balance Life and work
  • See the big picture

These will be revisited in a spiral curriculum at each key stage and post 16.

Developing awareness of career → Encountering information → Having experiences → Reflecting on learning → Building understanding → Developing plans and strengths → Putting into practice.

Curriculum provision

This will fall into one of the following four categories.

  1. Separate provision e.g. Careers days, discrete lessons to support transition times.
  2. Integrated provision e.g. cross-curricular or integrated learning activities which enable students to relate their general, academic or technical education to their life education (i.e. their learning about well-being, life roles, values and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development).
  3. Personalised provision e.g. one-to-one meetings with a tutor, mentor or careers adviser and also personalised help given in a group setting.
  4. Opt- in provision e.g. extra-curricular activities which students choose on the basis of a personal interest such taking part in sports, drama and musical activities. It also includes the school’s digital and social media activities such as emails, Facebook, Twitter, blogs and online learning materials.

All career opportunities are linked to the Gatsby Benchmark and CDI Framework.

You can also view a downloadable copy of our Summary of transition support

Contact us

Helen Philliskirk – Curriculum and Quality Manager for Careers, Gleadless 

Tel: 0114 2357028  Email:

Opportunities for access

College Visits for students

From year 10 onwards students will visit local colleges which include

  • City College
  • Hillsborough College
  • Sheaf Specialist Vocational College

These visits will include a tour by College staff and then an opportunity to spend time in the College communal spaces. Students were supervised at all times by their usual staff teams. The visits are in place to allow students to consider life after Bents Green while also exploring possible future career choices or to find out more about any courses of interest.

This information will be updated regularly and reviewed annually in September of each year. The next review date is September 2024.